
Friday, September 11, 2009

Kamban Koozh(Pearl Millet Porridge)

Pearl millet known as Bajra, Kambu is largely grown as grains under hot, dry conditions on infertile soils where other crops generally fail...Pearl millet is a food crop in developing countries like Asia, and particularly in Africa.It is estimated that over 95% of pearl millet production is used as food, the remaining being divided between animal and poultry feed, other uses as seed, bakery products, snacks, etc.With a texture much like brown rice, pearl millet can be cooked like rice. After it has been soaked for a couple of hours, pearl millet in it’s whole grain form cooks like rice in about 20 minutes.Increasing in volume more than any other grain, a cup of dry millet expands to three cups of cooked millet which takes on the form of a fluffy, delicate flavored hot cereal you will definitely appreciate.Pearl millet is used in flat breads or mixed up to 25% with wheat flour for use in yeast breads.Dry flour when mixed with biscuit, bread and roll dough adds a crunchy texture and brings variety to the baked goods...Pearl millet grain is comparatively high in protein and has a good amino acid balance....Pearl Millet is a principal source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals for millions of the poorest people in the regions where it is cultivated.This porridge is one the traditional kongu dish where people prepare either for their breakfast as porridge and for lunch as main dish with pickles or any gravies..Its a real complete food for a long day, as pearl millets are really high in calorie as they do wonders to growing kids and pregnant ladies.Pearl millet is a gluten free grain and is the only grain that retains it’s alkaline properties after being cooked which is ideal for people with wheat allergies.This simple porridge goes to RCI-Kongunadu Cuisine guest hosted by me, event started by Lakshmi..

1cup Kambu flour/Bajra flour
3cups Water
1cup Buttermilk

Mix a cup of bajra with a cup of water as smooth paste, allow to ferment overnight..Next day, bring boil two cups of water with enough salt and once it starts boiling, add the bajra paste and keep stirring continously on medium heat for 15 minutes, wet you finger and dip ur finger in the porridge, if the porridge sticks to your finger, its not yet cooked..

Let cool the cooked bajra porridge..mix in a cup of buttermilk and serve with onions, pickles or thick coconut chutney..


  1. wooooooooooooooooow!your blog looks very beautiful priya!! very pleasant and elegantly done :)
    the porridge looks comforting dear ...thanks for the recipe

  2. Kambu Koozh looks yum & tasty priya.. my husband like this kanji ..Thanks for sharing:)

  3. mmm,..this looks like perfect comfort food,..

  4. looks yummmmm! recipe is new to me ..ll try ths soon...

  5. never tried this one at home priya but I tasted at my friends place that s very healthy and delicious too hummm.

  6. looks so yum yum......perfect n healthy!

  7. New recipe to me Priya.Never tried Bajra in a drink

  8. எனக்கு மிகவும் பிடித்த கூழ்,படத்தை பார்க்கும் போதே குடிக்கனும் போல் இருக்கு ப்ரியா.

  9. Very authentic dish! Heard about it ,but never tasted or seen it before. Pass me the cup! :D

  10. Porridge looks so healthy and gorgeously yumm!!

  11. This is a real new dish for me and love the pic.

  12. Porridge is always comforting.Porridge with pearl millet is new to me,sounds healthy..Liked ur new layout Priya..

  13. Looks lovely, reminds me of my friend who eats this with small onion and green chilli.

  14. wow, every day delicious recipes and you got a attractive blog

  15. full of nutrition...
    u can send it to Radhika's Food for Life Zero hour event at

  16. New blog layout looks great Priya:).Ragi is something I am yet to experiment with:)

  17. Very classic Koozh! Looks perfect!

  18. This makes a healthy brekafast your presentation :)


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