
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cornflakes & Banana Milkshake N Fresh Pineapple Juice

I was planning to prepare cookies with some left over cornflakes and finally finished as milkshake with bananas, initially i was really scared to prepare this milkshake,but i definitely say that i was wrong..this milkshake tastes tremendous and delicious..Its was a complete, healthy, easy and simple breakfast and suits prefect for a lazy sunday morning breakfast..We just love it, but only thing its better to have immediately preparing this cornflakes and banana milkshake..We have loads of packed juices here, but nothing will beat fresh favourite choice always goes to fresh pineapple juice, i prepared few days back with fresh pineapple chunks and honey..Delicious refreshing juice yet a simple juice..Voila! am sending the cornflakes a banana shake to Madhuri's Serve me some..Juices, shakes & smoothies..

Cornflakes&Banana Milkshake:
1cup Cornflakes
1no Banana(big)
2cups Cold Milk
Maple syrup or Sugar as needed

Blend together banana, sugar or maple sryup and cold milk...While serving add the cornflakes as per ur need to the blended shake and blend again..Serve immediately with ice cubes..I used few pistachios pieces while serving...

Fresh Pineapple Juice:
1cup Pineapple chunks
2cups Cold water
Honey as per need

Blend pineapple chunks, cold water and honey as per need as juice, strain the juice and serve with ice cubes..


  1. Thats a great idea of adding cornflakes...Nice one priya...looks very refreshing and cool & perfect drink for summer

  2. this is something new to me...sounds great! so yummy...

  3. Lovely and innovative. Nothing to beat the fresh juice.

  4. mmm both milkshake and juice are so tempting Priya! New look of your blog is soo good. Lovely fall colors :)

  5. Very diff combo drink Priya..Fresh juices r divine u r Right dear...nothing can beat it .....

  6. Loved the topping of cornflakes!! Nice Idea.

  7. The milkshake looks thick Priya...this makes a healthy breakfast you said nothing can beat the tast of fresh juice...pineapple with honey...yum :)

  8. Very true dear, nothing can ever beat fresh juice. Both are so healthy.

  9. Love the idea of having cornflakes banana milkshake for breakfast.

  10. Wow!Cornflakes and Bananas must be Yumm!Very creative idea:)And that pineapple juice is just so refreshing!

  11. both Sounds just lovely and healthy drink,'re so creative

  12. Very creative milkshake Priya! Both are refreshing drink! Lovely!

  13. Creative and Different combination.

  14. using cornflakes in milkshake is a good and innovative idea...nice and refreashing..

  15. hi priya,
    both the drinks look refreshing!
    homemade ones are a great treat always dear :) lovely snaps

  16. cornflakes in shake??
    it is shaky idea dear...looks nice

  17. That really is a great idea Priyakka..will work great for kids who hates

  18. Nice idea of adding corn flakes. Healthy and yummy drink.

  19. lovely recipes....i love pineapple juices...tht too with honey..must be really tasty!..nice clicks!

  20. ohh cornflakes in milkshake superb idea priya drooling.

  21. கார்ன்ப்ளேக்ஸில் மில்க்‌ஷேக் சூப்பர்+பெஸ்ட் ஐடியா.

  22. Priya, I have made this cereal milkshake too using Fiber One Cereal and I agree that it tastes really good.

    Did you get the book from Amazon? I don't have any confirmation from them yet.

  23. Wow,new recipe Priya,Looks great.I tried your carrot milkshake and its a regular these days.Thanks

  24. Both of them look great, can have it now. Please pass it on.


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