
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Eggless Mango Mousse

Mousse is a form of creamy dessert typically made with cream and eggs, but classically french peoples use only egg yolks, egg whites, sugar and chocolate or with pureed fruits..My version of mousse is eggless but not less flavourful definitely a rich dessert, where i replaced egg yolks and egg whites with cream and agar-agar powder.. Agar agar powder is quite an important ingredient to make out this creamy mango mousse dessert, if u r nt able to get agar agar powder u can definitely goes to gelatin powder...Agar agar powder gives a lovely texture to hold the mousse and the cream provides the delicious fluffy texture, while having this dessert it will just melt in your mouth...

2cups Fresh Mango puree
1/2cup Sugar
1cup Heavy cream
2tsp Agar agar powder or Gelatin powder
Few chocolate pieces

Heat in simmer , both the sugar and heavy cream until the sugar gets dissolved...gradually add the agar agar powder to the simmering cream and sugar until the agar agar powder gets dissolved..Finally add the fresh mango puree to the cream and put off the stove..

Pour the mango puree to cups or ramequins and refrigerate for an hour until the mousse gets set..Garnish each cup with few chocolate pieces and serve immediately..



  1. wow! egless, looks so good priya!

  2. Eggless mousse looks so creamy n delicious!

  3. This sounds a great eggless mousse. I have never tried one without eggs but yours looks so very tempting priya!

  4. woah..thats yummy priya..i don have the agar agar now..still going to give it a shot with just cream..slurpp..:)

  5. waw priya...thats awesome and without eggs ...I will surely try it out..

  6. Delicious.I too was about to make this with agar agar powder and also for the same event.looks perfect Priya.Nice idea you made it eggless using cream and agar

  7. That's the easiest mousse. Looks creamy n delicious.

  8. Priya,the dessert looks rich as you said.Even i love to skip the egg yolks in my all dishes..Its a relief to come here since yours are all healthy as well.Perfect entry for Mango mela..

  9. Yummy :)Mango means adds double the taste:)

  10. We dont get mangoes here anymore:( wish the mango season was for the whole year :) eggless mango mousse is yummy!

  11. hey priya,
    I make this for the weekend, the eggless part tempted me to make it. Thanks for the recipe dear :)

  12. hey priya,
    I make this for the weekend, the eggless part tempted me to make it. Thanks for the recipe dear :)

  13. wow eggless!!!!! sounds interesting Priya....looks like a great dish!

  14. Eggless mango mousse look great dear...looks creamy and mouthwatering.

  15. looks yummyy and very tempting.. lovely click :)

  16. mango mousse is just perfect! the egless version sounds great...!

  17. Ohh! the mousse looks so decadent Priya :)

  18. hi priya,
    this recipe looks grt...isnt it necessary to whip the cream or anything else?i see whipping the cream in most of the recipes...


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