
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ridgegourd Peels N Sesame Seeds Chutney

Nothing can be trashed with ridge gourd, their peels r excellent if they r prepared as chutneys either with coconut or with sesame seeds, this is quite my mom's method of making chutney, she is such a great cook n with loads of creativity, she used to turn anything as delicious dish...learned from her, i prepared this chutney with sesame seeds n its quite very easy also very healthy as we r using sesame seeds....

1cup  Ridgegourd Peels
2tbsp Sesame seeds
2nos Dry red chillies
5nos Garlic
1inch Ginger
1no Tamarind ( marble size)
2tsp Oil

For Tempering:
1/4tsp Mustard seeds
1/4tsp Urad dal
2nos Curry leaves

Wash thoroughly the ridge gourd peels n drain the excess of water..heat a tsp of oil n fry the ginger, garlic n red chillies pieces, tamarind until they turn brown n add the sesame seeds immediately n fry them until they change the colour...keep aside..Stir fry the ridgegourd peels in the same pan until they shrinks a bit..let them cool..

Grind them bit coarsely with enough salt..heat the remaining oil in a pan, add the mustard seeds, urad dal n curry leaves, let them splutters n add this tempering to the grounded chutney..

Serve them as side for Idlis, Dosais also with Rice dishes...


  1. I only had ridgegourd thoran and delight me with varities..thanks

  2. mmmmm yummy what I can say after thet mouthwatering

  3. Yes, my mom do this whenever we buy ridgeguard..Will be yummy..Reminding my mom's chutney..Mouthwatering..

  4. mouthwatering and yum yum chutney yaar,,,

  5. I never knew we could use the peels.
    It is long ago i had them as we don't get it here.
    Happy 2009 to you and your loved ones.

  6. Love the color of the chutney, must be yummy with idlis and dosas :)

  7. Thanks Priya. Love your version too. I'm gonna try this next time i buy ridgegourd

  8. Ridge gourd peel chutney tastes so good.. we make it using channdal, sesame seeds is a nice addition as well.

  9. Andraite are too good to make with the peel of ridge gourd. I learnt with them, ur looks delish also!

  10. This sounds like a delicious chutney, Priya. I hardly ever cook ridge gourd, but I need to. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. Priya I have only made this only once - a recipe from my friend. It was soo good. but yours must taste better with the sesame in it. Very nice recipe.

  12. Yeah I too hate wasting ridge gourd's peel. Although its very mature...will try to scrape its ridges and make thuvaiyal out of it. With sesame sounds interesting...a must try one...

    Happy New Year Buddy...

  13. My Favorite chutney.. Looks yum& mouthwatering..Priya.

  14. My mom makes ridgeguard chutney, I have not tried. Mouthwatering recipe.

  15. Thanks friends for leaving ur comments..

  16. very true!! nothing can be trashed with ridge gourd... every bit of it is useful :) Thanx for another lovely entry

  17. Thanks sharing this recipe. We grew ridge gourds for the first time this year with seeds my husband brought home from India. Since I was unfamiliar with this vegetable, I searched the web for recipes. Yours was one of the first I tried since my husband remembered eating ridge gourd peel chutney made with sesame seeds when he was young in India. My son particularly liked this dish.
    Erin Kelkar


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