
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Microwave Spicy Channa

Its rainy n too cold here, i tried this spicy channa in microwave as we really need something to munch with hot coffee, this spicy channa suits really for the winter season and a prefect snacks, here i used my cooked left over channas, next time i gonna try with tinned chickpeas, if u need something very quick for snacks better to try this microwave spicy channa, its such a protein packed snacks n also easy to do..i tried this method just to avoid oil and just used 1tsp of oil to prepare this spicy snacks...On the way to JFI - Chickpeas guest hosted by Something Foodie...

1/2cup Cooked channa
1/4tsp Red chilly powder
1tsp Oil

Pat dry the cooked channa with a paper towel n take them in a bowl...Add the red chilly powder, enough salt n oil to the channa n mix them well, let them marinated for few minutes..Arrange the marinated channas as single layer in a microwave plate n heat them in high temperature for 5 minutes, continue again for another 5 minutes..mine is done within 10 minutes..time may varies according to ur microwave..

Spicy Channa is ready to munch..Finish them within a day!!!

Goes to EFM: Microwave Oven Series by Srilekha..


  1. chana is stacked in our home at all times...n cooked chana in the fridge almost all the

    so u see we love it...n this recipe is so simple I can tell hub to prepare.;p

  2. It is ages ago i had channa like this andit looks so easy tomake.
    Yumm crunch smack ,-)

  3. Its a quick oil-free snack. Using MW is a good idea.

  4. That sounds so good to munch, I love munchies as long as it involves salt and chilli pd! :D

    MW can do much more than what we think, I bought a cookbook too, will try more dishes!:)

  5. simple & easy to make..Love the idea in MW.. Nice snack priya:)

  6. very simple, easy to make & healthy snack

  7. Cool! I have had this in my childhood days!! I should try this for sure:)

  8. simple and tasty recipes as your blog says. Looks yum

  9. Great munching idea , spicy is winner!

  10. This is so simple....crunchy munchy snack:)

  11. woo wht a spicy channa snack..looks delicious..

  12. Thats an easy recipe.. Makes a nice evening snack!

  13. That looks spicy indeed, and so easy. Will it be crunchy like we do in oven ?

  14. Channa is a favie here too..and i think for many..yours looks so yummy and spicy.

  15. Looks so spicy and yum. i'm gonna try this soon.

  16. Hi Priya,
    nice technique to make chana healthier! Thank you for a lovely second entry to JFI Chickpea,

  17. ooohho garam garam chana good combo with hot tea mmmm perfect

  18. Look so yummy,where can I buy like that yummy foods? How ever I also to want to buy zoot suit.


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