
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Eggless Persimmon, Ragi n Oats Cookies

The best way of enjoying Persimmon, the healthy fruit is by eating it fresh. It is also use as ingredient when making cakes, desserts, pies and ice cream. At home, you can add persimmon slices to salads or puree them to make smoothies, jellies, a topping for pancakes, or use it as a flavoring for yogurt. It can also be mixed with other fruits to create a fruit salad.Actually i googled to know how to prepare cookies with this healthy i bought ragi flour i just added them while making cookies, initially i want to make cookies just with ragi but finally as usual i add rolled oats also this cookie is eggless coz i used egg replacer powder, its such a healthy also delicious cookies everyone at home loved it much...

1cup Ragi
1cup Rolled Oats
1/2cup All purpose flour
1/2cup Persimmon puree
3tbsp Vegetable Shortening
1/2cup Sugar
1tsp Baking powder
1/4tsp Baking soda
1/4cup Packed Brown sugar
3tsp Egg Replacer Powder+4tbsp Warm water
1/4cup Raisins
1/4cup Milk

Mix the egg replacer powder n 4tbsp warm water into thick paste.Beat both sugar, packed brown sugar n vegetable shortening until soft..add now the persimmon puree,baking powder, baking soda, raisins and finally add the ragi flour, rolled oats n all purpose flour with milk n knead into soft dough..

Preheat the oven at a baking sheet over a baking tray...take a small ball from the dough n flatten them with ur palms, if they r sticky just grease ur the unbaked cookies over the baking sheet, leave some spaces between the unbaked cookies n bake them upto 25-30minutes...

Delicious Eggless Persimmon, Ragi n Oats Cookies!!!!


  1. this is a keeper recie.Looks yum.Lovely entry to both events

  2. check out EFM-Savory sreies round up and join with us in the EFM-Microwave oven series!

  3. Love ragi cookie this one is loaded of goodness...

  4. cookies look great priya. i shud also try this combi.

  5. Persimmon is rare and seasonal here,with ragi n oats,the cookies are nothing less than super healthy:)

  6. wow is all i have to say! priya, from where do u get all these ideas?

  7. This is such a good the idea of using ragi flour instead of regular flour...

  8. Ragi,then eggless..? wonderful,wonderful..must try

  9. Another gem!! Priya this sounds really good!

  10. Looks very yummy. I can't find persimmons anywhere though :( Sigh!

  11. I've not tasted persimmon so far. But that's a genious idea of using the fruit, ragi and oats. Such an healthy cookie recipe. Thanks for sending it to the event.

  12. hey what is egg replacement pwder...i mean wht is it made of..never came across it.

    btw cookies look healthy! :)

  13. I made this recipe with 100% whole grain SPROUTED flour instead of all purpose flour and it was amazing. Sprouted flour by Shiloh Farms is delicious and digests as a vegetable!

  14. Priya,
    This is a healthy variation of a butter cookie. I love the color of it.. so yummy to look at..I sent a MAIL to your gmail a/c for written permission to try and post about it..please let me know via mail.


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