
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Beetroot Kheer

Beetroot is good for the health of the heart as it contains soluble fibre with can help to reduce high blood cholesterol levels. It also contains the phytochemicals carotenoids and flavonoids which help prevent LDL ‘ bad’ cholesterol from being oxidised and deposited in the arteries. Beetroot is virtually fat free and low in calories. Beetroot has for many years been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe.Beetroot can be stored in the refirgerator or on a cool, dark shelf. It'll normally keep for a few weeks when it's young and fresh. i tried kheer with beetroot, its quite simple n delicious...

2nos Beetroots(cooked n pureed)
1cup Condensed milk
1cup Milk
1/4cup Tapioca pearls
1tsp Cardamom powder
Few Cashewnuts

Cook the tapioca pearls in a cup of water until they get bit cooked..drain the water n keep the tapioca pearls aside..bring boil both the condensed milk n milk together..add the beetroot puree n tapioca pearls to the boiled milk, keep in simmer until the tapioca pearls get cooked well...fry the cashewnuts in ghee until they turn brown, add the fried cashews n cardamom powder to the kheer...put off the stove...

Serve hot r chilled as per ur need!


  1. woooooooowhoooo nice color looks so tempting

  2. tapioca pearls and beetroot, both are my favourites! dont u have to add sugar to this, or is the sweet from beet enough? looks yummy, i got to try this:)

  3. Delicious way to include veg in sweet dish!

  4. Happy NEW Year Priya!!

    This Kheer is absolutely healthy one, looks good too!

  5. rice color u got,Priya..good idea

  6. Nice kheer and good idea of making kheer with beets.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hope you had great NYE Priya :)
    What an interesting way of using up beets, thanks for sending it over to the Original Recipes Round-Up!


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