
Monday, April 25, 2016

Un amour de Madeleine/French Madeleine Cake

Madeleine is a small cake which have its origin from Commercy and Liverdun, two divisions of Lorraine region in Northeastern part of France. This very small spongy cake have their own distinctive shell like shape as this cakes are baked in baking pans with shell-shaped depressions. Apart from the shape, this cake goes for an easy cake batter which is simply prepared with flours,eggs,sugar and butter, almost similar to the sponge cake but still this cakes have a lighter, airy texture. Some of the traditional recipes of Madeleines calls for grounded nuts usually almonds though some may go for lemon or orange zest to give a citrusy flavor to these cute and dangerously addictive small cakes.

Madeleines, French Small Cake

You might have noticed that i have been posting many delicious dishes and bakes from French cuisine and my today post's name was supposed to be something which starts with U as alphabet.Since i had hard time to find out a dish name starts with U from French cuisine, i opted for Un Amour which means Love in English. Actually French language have a particularity which means each and every word belongs to both masculine and feminine genders,obviously its really hard to know which word belongs to which gender, however you will learn it slowly. Actually Un means one but here Un Amour means The love, when i picked un amour de madeleine as my recipe post's name for today's post, i didnt have any other choice rather than going with this name though my post is going to be about these cute small cakes. These cuties are going to be a part of this month's blogging marathon as am running with Journey through the cuisine as theme, and just 5more posts to finish this long blogging marathon.

Madeleines, French Madeleines Cake

1/2cup All purpose flour
1/2cup Sugar
75grams Butter (room temperature)
2nos Eggs
1tsp Baking powder
1/2tsp Vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Beat the eggs and sugar until they turns pale, add gradually the butter beat until they turns smooth.

Now add the all purpose flour,baking powder, vanilla extract and stir until they get well mixed, dont beat vigorously.

Madeleines, French Madeleines Cake

Pour a tablespoon of this batter to the silicon madeleine mould (if you are using usual madeleines mould, grease them well) arrange them in middle rack and bake for 12-15minutes..

Let them cool completely, enjoy with your cup of coffee or tea.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 63
An InLinkz Link-up


  1. They look superb, Priya. I want to grab some from my monitor.
    Does the name then means lovely madeleines?

  2. Kiddo's all time favorite. I tried these for last april BM :-) Tried eggless though.

  3. They truly look like small sponge roundels.

  4. Those look stunning Priya...and had you not shared the secret behind the name, not many of us would've known

  5. French madeleines are so addictive. I bought a madeleine tray years ago and am yet to use it. Will have to try your recipe.

  6. Madeline is in my to do list since long,need to make it.BTW Madeline looks so soft and delicious.

  7. They look so cute. Looks very soft and fluffy and well done on choosing the name...

  8. Wow! they look like the ones I see in the store shelves! Stunning.

  9. Nice post on explaining the name, the madeleines looks soft and delicious. Perfectly done.

  10. Madeleines look so soft and delicious.

  11. French madeleines looks so soft and so perfect.

  12. Madeleines are my favorite. Loved the way you made them. Perfect pick for U!!

  13. These are cuties! I always get tempted when I see the Madeleine moulds and want to buy them. I should buy them soon to try it :)


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