
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Far Breton aux Pommes/Apple Far Breton/Far Breton with Apples

Far Breton aka Breton far is a traditional cake or a dessert from Brittany region in France. This dessert ressembles almost like the popular Clafoutis, an another dessert which goes for a flan style egg and milk custard with flour. Usually dried plums aka prunes and raisins are added to this traditional Brittany region cake. However you can skip those usual prunes and raisins, by adding apple chunks. Yes you can bake this ultimate cake or dessert with apples, i just love this Apple Far Breton which i tasted long back during our summer trip to Brittany region. Far breton served in Britanny is often cooked to a much burned appearance than the recipes you can find in online, however i love mine with a golden brown top.

Far Breton aux pommes, Far breton With Apples

With simple ingredients, you can easily bake this Apple loaded Far breton with less efforts. You doesnt need any specific gadget to whisk this incredible dessert. Just a whisk is enough to prepare the flan like far breton batter which you can simply top it with chopped apple chunks. If you are using golden apples, just chop them and add to the batter, if using any other variety of apple, chop it and just toss them in butter before adding to the batter. If you are a follower of my space, you might have noticed that am running a whole month of blogging with Journey through the cuisines as theme and am posting fabulous French recipes under this theme for a month.

Apple Breton Far, Far Breton

1litre Milk
1/2cup Flour
1/2cup Sugar
2nos Apples (peeled & chopped)
2nos Eggs
pinch of Salt

Preheat the oven to 350F and grease an oval shaped shallow baking pan.

Mix the flour with the salt, the powdered sugar, the eggs and the milk and beat until everything gets well mixed.

Peel and chop the apples in small cubes and add it to the already prepared batter.

Pour this to the already prepared pan and bake it for about 1 hour.

Dont open the oven while baking.

Once the far gets well cool, arrange in fridge and let it sit for an hour.

Slice the chilled Far breton and enjoy.

Far breton aux pommes, Apple Far Breton

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 63
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  1. yummylicious.. Reminds of apple brown betty but that doesn't use eggs. love the fruit based dessert.

  2. Wow, Priya! You are on a roll churning out one after another, tempting treats. I just need to hop on your blog and research for 2017 marathon, I guess. ☺

  3. That is such a simple to make dessert. Looks so delicious.

  4. Excellent Priya ! The Cake looks fantastic , must have tasted awesome . Must say you have cracked F very well .

  5. Looking at the name, I was expecting some kneading the dough or beating the batter. This is so easy. Bookmarking the recipe.

  6. The names are so confusing but the dishes are always fascinating Priya.It looks very inviting.

  7. All your French dishes are amazing and now I have to learn to say them correctly. Maybe we can have a vocabulary tutoring session on whatsapp. Lovely recipe!

  8. Very good choice priya..reading about this for the first time.

  9. Hi priya,
    Like that you have a small ingredient list...worth a try

  10. Priya, you are rocking this BM. Love this apple breton far. Looks yum...

  11. That's an amazing dessert akka... loving all your French delicacies in the marathon...

  12. simple to make and looks delicious!!!

  13. almost like a pie - I love apple/ fruit flavoured bakes !! well done :)

  14. That sounds real easy to make! I have made clafoutis, so can imagine how this must taste like.

  15. You have mastered the French Cuisine Priya, such lovely dishes from you.. This apple cake looks really delicious:)

  16. For me any thing baked with Apples mouthwatering here...

  17. Wow! Where have you been hiding?? I'm so glad I continued to return to the AtoZ list and seek new blogs. I love baking, and this looks both tasty and do-able. And I can Pin it to my board! - you make it so easy!

  18. Lovely looking bake there. I am sure this marathon is a breeze for you :)

  19. Wow Priya. This looks so delicious and inviting. Loved the simple dessert :)

  20. Wow!!!sounds so interesting,makes me drool..

  21. Am enjoying this series with your French recipes Priya. Learning a lot about this cuisine as well...

  22. wow this is my kind of dessert - looks so good

  23. Priya though the name is sort of tongue twisting, love the final dish on the plate, looks yummilicious!!

  24. Thats such a simple dessert. You are making the french cuisine sound very simple... Good one

  25. That is a lovely cake Priya. Looks fantastic

  26. Am a great fan of apple pie and I think I would love this dessert as well. So tempting. :)


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