
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wafu Dressing - A Japanese Condiment

After an aromatic Chimichurri sauce from Argentina, am taking you all to Japan, yes my today's post is Wafu dressing. This wafu dressing going to be a part of this week's blogging marathon theme called Condiments from Countries for this month's megamarathon. Wafu Dressing is a salad dressing which is consists of soy sauce, rice vinegar, and vegetable oil.  In Japan,every house have their own wafu dressing but my today's recipe is quite a different one and this version goes for grated onion to make it extra flavorful. I picked this wafu dressing from here.The author of this site says that if you replace half of the vegetable oil with sesame oil, then the dressing is called as Chuka Dressing, which means Chinese-style dressing in the Japanese culinary world.

Wafu dressing, Japanese Wafu dressing

I have already noticed so many varieties of Wafu Dressing available in nearby chinese supermarkets, but this homemade dressing is quite healthier when compared to the store bought dressing, as this homemade dressing doesnt have no MSG and preservatives and the best part is you can adjust the flavor as per your tastebuds.  All the ingredients goes inside this  typical Japanese dressing are quite easily available in stores obviously its quite easy to whisk out this easy breezy dressing at home.

Japanese Wafu Dressing

If you want to give a try to a different dressing to your salads, then you should definitely give a try to this quick dressing from Japan, the mildly tanginess of the rice vinegar added to this dressing gives an excellent taste while having the salad.Needless to say about the nuttiness given by slightly roasted sesame seeds, a must to try if you like to add some seeds in your diet.Though the classical wafu dressing goes for Japenese soya sauce, rice vinegar and vegetable oil, many variations do exists. some may add ginger, wasabi etc or else citrus fruits like yuzu.

1 tbsp Grated onion with juice
3 tbsp Vegetable oil
3 tbsp Soy sauce
3 rbsp Rice vinegar
1 tbsp Sugar
1/4tsp Pepper powder
1/2tbsp Slightly roasted white sesame seeds

Japanese Wafu dressing, Wafu dressing for salads

Take  all the ingredients in a  small bowl and whisk everything together.

While serving a salad, drizzle on top of thr salad, and enjoy your salad.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56
An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Beautiful presentation & flavorful dressing.

  2. Wafu looks very flavorful.Very well presented Priya.

  3. sounds delicious!..will give it a shot soon, love such dressings!

  4. Yummy dressing priya.. Love your presentation....

  5. Very beautiful.. I like how you captured the layers. great

  6. Lovely dressing, Priya. Love the sesame seeds on top.

  7. That's a new salad dressing Priya..wonderful!

  8. Interesting Dressing..Wonderful Clicks.

  9. What a delicious dressing Priya. Very new to me, will definitely make it some time.

  10. I made a similar sauce twice, one from Chinese and one from Korean cuisine and somehow no takers in my home. :(

  11. Wow, that sesame on top is so eye-catching!!! Very beautifully clicked priya, that cut veggies by the side, adds so much contrast to the picture!!!

  12. what a unique dressing and a new name for me - will have to try it


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