
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Pommes de Terre Sautées/French Style Pan Roasted Potatoes

Potatoes plays an important role in French cuisine, you cant separate French peoples and potatoes,as potatoes are as much as like rice for us. Most of their main course goes for potatoes as side dish or as main dish depending upon the sauces served along with. Even though making dishes out of potatoes are easy to prepare, French chefs shares many different type of cooking potatoes. When i picked 1 cuisine three dishes as this week's theme for this blogging marathon, i know i'll be making some French style pan roasted potatoes  from French cuisine.

Already cubed pan roasted potatoes are easily available in frozen zone in every provision stores here but still making this cubed and pan sauteed potatoes is quite cheap and easier if prepared at home.It may take some time to get ready but trust me this potatoes are more delicious when compared to the already prepared frozen potato cubes.The first time i had this potatoes was with some roasted chicken and completely fallen in love with this succelent potato cubes.Just few ingredients is needed to make this fantastic dish.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48.

3 Potatoes(big sized)
40grms Butter
2nos Crushed garlic cloves
3tbsp Oil
Dry herbs (as per need)

Peel and cube the potatoes, cook them in a vessel with enough salted water for 5minutes.

Strain them and pat dry them with a towel.

Heat the oil and butter, add the already cooked potatoes,crushed garlic cloves and cook in simmer flame.

Toss them for a while until they gets golden colour.

Finally add the salt, pepper and any dry herbs. Cook for few seconds.

Put off the stove and enjoy.

Pommes de terres Sautées

3 Pommes de terres
3 c à soupe Huile
2 Gousse d'ail (écrase)
40grs Beurre
Herbs (persil etc..)

Faites bouillir d'eau, pendant ce temps, épluchez les pommes de terre et coupez les en dés.

Plongez les pommes de terre dans l'eau bouillante pendant 5minutes.

Égouttez les et puis séchez les sur un linge.

Faire chauffer l'huile et le beurre, ajoutez les pommes de terre, l'ail et cuire.

Cuire pendant 10-15minutes en retournant plusieurs fois avec une spatule. A la fin de cuisson ajouter le sel, l'herbe et poivre.

Dégustez chaud.


  1. Potatoes are my favourite the garlic flavour in these potatoes. .what dry herbs have you used?.. don't want a French dish to become Indian with our herbs:)

  2. I am sure my daughter would love these. So simple and I am sure delicious.

  3. Love these potatoes!!! Looks very appealing!!!

  4. so simple and elegant!!! very well presented!!!

  5. @vaishali sabnaniI used herbs de provence, its a mixture of different dry herbs, if u want u can go with dry persil leaves or simply with thyme leaves. Hope this helps..

  6. Such a simple recipe yet packed with flavors :) French or not, I would love to feast on this dish!

  7. Such a flavourful potato curry..So yummy

  8. LOL @Vaishali's comment..potatoes are all time favorite!

  9. Wow ! Such a simple yet flavorful dish! Love potatoes and will try this for sure...

  10. I love potatoes, looks like there's some French in me then. These potatoes look so delicious and tempting. Jayanthi(

  11. Simply delicious looking French potatoes. My potato loving husband would love this :-)

  12. Lovely. My older one prepares this all the time. Just that I didn't know it was such a popular one in France :)

  13. Potatoes in all forms is welcome. :)

  14. You have solved my problem of what to give in tiffin Priya. Love the potatoes.

  15. Simple, elegant and mouthwatering potatoes...


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