
Monday, January 5, 2015

Peppered Potato Roll/Vegan Aloo Roll

I have hardly seen people says no to potatoes, this vegetable is everyone's favourite at home. My kids love potatoes in any form and they are ready to have potatoes even everyday. Trust me, french fries are my kids most favourite as like most of the French kids.After Onions and tomatoes, my vegetable basket will definitely have potatoes. This vegetable is versatile,you can just dish out beautiful starter to alluring dessert, if you have potatoes at home am sure you can just dish out a royal feast at home. Coming to today's post, this vegan potato roll can be prepared in a jiffy if you have cooked,cubed potatoes in your fridge. You doesnt need anything apart from chopped onions,freshly grounded pepper powder and salt with oil, your peppered potato roast is ready to be used as filling for making this beautiful peppered potato roast roll.

Vegan Aloo Roll, Peppered Potato Roast Roll

To make this easy breezy potato roll more healthy, i have just added some raw vegetables like shredded cabbage and sliced tomatoes as filling to have along with the peppered potato.I also used green chutney and sweet chilly sauce to spice up this aloo roll. Kids just loved this super filling potato roll without any fuss and indeed this roll is a bit hit among the kids. Actually my lil one had this potato roll for his lunch and asked me again to prepare the same roll for this dinner. Yes he just loved it. If you have potato lovers at home, just make this roll and enjoy thoroughly.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48.

Pepper Potato Roll, Aloo Roll

Pepper Potato Roast:
2nos Big potatoes (cubed and cooked)
1no Onion (chopped)
1tbsp Freshly grounded pepper powder

Heat oil, add the chopped onions and cook until the onions turns transculent.

Add the cooked potato cubes,salt, cook in simmer for few minutes.

Finally add the pepper powder, toss everything gently and put off the stove.

For Roll:
2nos Plain chappathis
Pepper potato roast
Shredded cabbage
Sliced Tomatoes
Sweet chilly sauce (storebought)
Green Chutney

Spread the sweet chilly sauce over a chappathi, top it with shredded cabbage and sliced tomatoes.

Now add the pepper potato roast, drizzle enough  green chutney.

Roll it tightly and enjoy.

2 Grosses pommes de terre (couper en cubes et cuites)
1 Oignon ( haché )
1 c à soupe de Poudre de poivre fraîchement moulu

Faire chauffer l'huile , ajouter les oignons hachés et cuire jusqu'à ce que les oignons brunissent.

Ajouter les cubes de pommes de terre cuites , sel et faire cuire  pendant quelques minutes .

Enfin, ajoutez la poudre de poivre , mélanger le tout.

Pour le rouleau:
2 Chappathis
Garniture (ci-dessus)
Chou râpé
Quelques Tranches de tomates
Sauce de piment sucré
Chutney vert

Étaler la sauce de piment sur un chappathi , ajouter du chou râpé et des tomates tranchées .

Ajoutez les pomme de terre et le chutney vert.

Rouler-le et dégustez.


  1. Enjoyed your series of rolls and wraps. This one too looks so yummy!

  2. Wow!! They look so delicious and perfect rolls...

  3. Potato rolls super sis..Potatoes are world's fav veggie i guess.So this is a versatile recipe we can add it to corn wraps too?

  4. healthy and tasty roll.. Perfect for snack or lunch

  5. We can never say no to potatoes. It just tastes so good in any dish.

  6. quick and easy dinner or lunch idea...

  7. lovely rolls.. a sure winner with kids.

  8. oh these are so mess free and so delicious!!! kids would love them...

  9. @Sathya Priya Anything works out sis, please do try with corn wraps too..

  10. Well made rolls ..look great . potatoes are so versatile.

  11. Yummy wrap.. Potato filling one of my fav too.

  12. I love potatoes in any form , this looks super tempting.

  13. That's a mouthwatering filling Yum!!!! Tasty wraps..

  14. Mouthwateringly delicious roll. Even my kids love potatoes so this one is amust try.

  15. Those rolls are looking stunning priya..very good choice!

  16. Wow, those potato rolls look so tempting and delicious.


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