
Monday, January 12, 2015

Eggless Custard & Black Poppyseeds Cookies

I planned so many bakes during my Xmas vacation but many sudden changes happened and i couldnt enjoy thoroughly my vacation. Anyhow life is unpredictable, nothing will happen if you plan to do. Personally if i plan something i cant do anything in time,now i dont want to plan anything and its my new year resolution. Yes my bitter experience pulled me to think so. Ok let me stop blabbering, am starting my second week of blogging marathon from today and my theme for this week is Kid's delight - Holiday special. I managed to bake few bakes and one among is this crunchy munchy custard poppyseeds cookies with orange zest and orange juice  as eggless one.

Eggless Custard & Black Poppyseeds Cookies

Kids enjoyed thoroughly this fantastic bakes and they couldnt stop munching these eggless beauties. The addition of custard powder turned out these cookies more catchy and colourful when compared to the usual cookies. If conserved properly, this cookies stay prefectly crunchy for more than a week but trust me they wont stay for a long once they came out of the oven. Kids will go crazy if they tastes these beauties once they gets cool completely.These cookies gets ready very much easily a well, you can bake them quickly whenever you feel like baking something crunchy and easy.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48.

Eggless Black Poppyseeds Cookies

2cups All purpose flour
1/2cup Custard powder
1/2cup Butter
1/2cup Sugar
1tbsp Orange zest
Orange juice (as per need)
1tsp Vanilla extract
2tbsp Black poppyseeds 

Prheat the oven to 350F, line baking sheet over a baking tray and keep aside.

Sift together the all purpose flour, custard powder and add the black poppyseeds,keep aside

Whisk the butter, sugar together until they turns creamy, add immediately the orange zest, vanilla extract, flour-custard powder mixture and mix.

Add enough orange juice and mix everything well until they forms as a soft dough.

Shape the dough into small balls and flatten them gently. Place them on the lined baking tray.

Bake for 15-20minutes,let them cook completely

Enjoy with a cup of tea.

2verres Farine de blé
1/2verre Poudre à crème anglaise
1/2verre Beurre
1/2verre de sucre
1c à soupe de zeste d'orange
Jus d'orange ( selon le besoin )
1c à café d'extrait de vanille
2c à soupe Graines de pavot noir

Préchauffer le four à 350F ,placez du papier sulfurisée sur une plaque de cuisson et laisser de côté .

Tamiser la farine , la poudre à crème anglaise et ajouter les graines de pavot noir.

Fouetter le beurre , le sucre ensemble jusqu'à ce qu'ils se transforment une mousse crémeuse.

Ajouter immédiatement farine, zeste d'orange, l'extrait de vanille et mélanger , ajouter du jus et bien mélanger le tout jusqu'à ce qu'ils forment une pâte molle .

Façonner la pâte en petites boules et les aplatir délicatement . Placez-les sur la plaque.

Cuire au four pendant 15-20minutes , laisser refroidir.

Dégustez avec une tasse de thé.


  1. Custard powder and orange juice! Nice medley of flavors. Lovely cookies

  2. they looks so crunchy and delicious akka... like u say, sometimes we just have to move with the flow, there is no other way out...

  3. Awesome recipe Priya.....loved the cookies

  4. these cookies look so delicious with the little specks of poppy seeds..

  5. cookies look very festive and yummy.

  6. Beautifully made cookies priya! Poppy seeds on the cookies looks very cute!!

  7. The poppy seeds are making it look so pretty priya...enjoy them!

  8. I've always wanted to make cookies with custard...looks very good and easy to make!

  9. These are pretty and flavorful cookies.

  10. Custard cookies with poppy seeds looks delicious.

  11. Like everything about these cookies..starting from eggless..the orange zest..custard and then the black poppy seeds. .really good.

  12. with orange flavor this is my kind of cookie

  13. They look addictive just looking at the pictures. And that orange flavor must have made these cookies more yummier.

  14. Orange juice in cookies?? I must bake these asap. Love the flavors in there.

  15. Wow, love the idea of adding of poppy seeds to custard cookies -- they are looking great.

  16. That is one flavorful cookie - orange zest, juice...Yum!!

  17. Very flavorful cookies Priya. Love the black specks from the poppy seeds...

  18. These are the bestest cookies a kid can enjot Priya. Love it,

  19. @Usha SivashankaranGo with half all purpose flour and half with wheat flour, hope this helps..


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