
Friday, December 12, 2014

Chettinad Chickpeas Gravy/Chettinad Karuppu Kondakadalai Kuzhambu

After Kongunadu, Nanjilnadu cuisines, today am taking you all to Chettinad Cuisine, this cuisine is very much close to my heart. Chettinad cuisine doesnt need any introduction and this cuisine is very popular among the other cuisines of Tamil Nadu. Both  their vegetarian and non vegetarian Chettinad dishes are equally very famous among Tamilians. Spices and their style of cooking foods are totally different from other cuisines. You can see many chettinad dishes in my space as i love their cooking very much. Whenever i feel like cooking something delicious and flavourful obviously i'll go for Chettinad cuisine. Since i picked one state and three different cuisine for this week's blogging marathon, am posting this lipsmacking Chickpeas gravy. This dish suits prefect to have with rice or else breakfast dishes like idlies,dosas, pooris etc.Sending this gravy to MLLA#78 guest hosted by Pj of Seduce Your Tastebuds,event by Susan.

Chettinadu Kondakadalai kuzhambu, Chettinad chickpeas gravy, Brown chickpeas curry

You might have crossed varieties of chickpeas gravy but this one is very different from others coz in this gravy, tamarind is used in less quantity. Usually if a dish is named as kuzhambu in Tamilnadu cuisine, tamarind will be the main ingredient for making the gravy, but  this dish goes for a small blueberry size tamarind piece. This brings very mild tanginess to this fingerlicking gravy. I cooked this dish from here and totally fallen in love with this chickpeas gravy. Brown chickpeas is used in this gravy as they are more nutritious when compared to the white ones. In case if you dont like brown chickpeas,just stick with the white ones. However this dish smells divine.If using pressure cooker for making this gravy, just start cooking with the uncooked soaked chickpeas if not,pressure cook the soaked chickpeas and make this gravy in a heavy bottomed vessel.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#47.

Chettinadu Kondakadalai kuzhambu, Chettinad chickpeas gravy

1cup Soaked brown chickpeas
1no Onion (chopped)
1no Tomato (chopped)
5nos Garlic cloves
1tbsp Chilly powder
2tbsp Coriander powder
1no Tamarind piece (blueberry size)
2nos Cinnamon stick
2nos Cloves
1tsp Fennel seeds
Few curry leaves

To grind:
1/4cup Grated coconut
6nos Cashew nuts
1tsp Fennel seeds

Soak the tamarind in enough water and extract the tamarind water.

Grind the ingredients given under the list ' to grind' as fine paste with enough water.

Heat enough oil in a pressure cooker, add the cinnamon stick,cloves fennel seeds and curry leaves and fry until a nice aroma comes from.

Add the chopped onion,chopped tomatoes and the garlic pods, cook until the onions turns transculent.

Now add the brown chickpeas,saute for few minutes, add the chilly powder and the coriander powder.

Pour in 3 cups of water and the salt as per taste.

Close the cooker and cook for 2whistles.

Once the pressure goes off,open the cooker and check for consistency.

Add the grounded masala and the tamarind water,water if need, cook for until the gravy turns thick.

Serve warm.

Chettinad chickpeas gravy, brown chickpeas kuzhambu

1 tasse Pois chiches brunes (trempés dans l'eau toute la nuit)
1 Oignon ( haché )
1 Tomate ( coupé finement )
5 Gousses d'ail
1 c à soupe Poudre de piment
2 c à soupe de poudre de coriandre
1 Tamarin  ( taille de cassis )
2 Bâton de cannelle
2 Clous de girofle
1 c à café de Graines de fenouil
Quelques feuilles de curry

Pour moudre :
1/4 tasse Noix de coco râpée
6 Noix de cajou
1 c à café  Graines de fenouil

Faire tremper le tamarin dans l'eau et extraire l'eau de tamarin .

Broyer les ingrédients donnés dans la liste ' à moudre' comme pâte fine avec de l'eau .

Chauffer de l'huile dans une cocotte-minute, ajouter les bâton de cannelle,les clous de girofle et les graines de fenouil, feuilles de curry et faire frire.

Ajouter l'oignon haché , les tomates hachées et les gousses d'ail , cuire jusqu'à ce que le tout soient cuits.

Maintenant, ajoutez les pois chiches bruns , faire sauter pendant quelques minutes , ajouter la poudre de piment et la poudre de coriandre.

Versez 3 tasses d'eau et le sel selon le goût .

Fermez la cocotte et laisser cuire pendant 12-15 minutes.

Une fois que la pression s'en aille, ouvrir la cocotte.

Ajoutez le pâte et l'eau de tamarin , de l'eau, faire cuire jusqu'à ce que la sauce s’épaississe .

Servir chaud .


  1. look so yum.. Pass me with little rice and roti..

  2. Wow the curry looks fantastic. .and these brown chana are so healthy. .the gravy sounds very tempting.

  3. Nice variation of chickpeas gravy. Enjoyed your series.

  4. Gravy looks very appealing Priya. Love kondakadalai in any form

  5. Very nice and healthy too. Catherine xo

  6. yesterday i made kuzhambu with kondakadalai.delicious one ever

  7. I love this gravy Priya, your picture looks perfect!

  8. Ahhh this is my favorite kuzhambu..Now I craving for it..

  9. Gravy looks fantastic. Anything with Chickpeas is a superhit at my place.

  10. I love chettinad gravies and this looks yum.

  11. Love the spicy & delicious Chettinad curries and this chole looks absolutely yummy!!

  12. I just love kuzhambu's with black chick pea :) looks so yummy and mouthwatering !!

  13. Chettinadu cuisine is so flavorful! Love this recipe with black chickpeas :)

  14. Wow! That sounds like a flavorful curry!

  15. What a perfect pair for steamed rice!Looks very tempting.Thanks a lot for sending it to MLLA :)


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