
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Almond Cake with Chocolate Ganache

Baking a cake doesnt need any special occasion, i love baking cake for our evening snacks whenever my sweet tooth crave for. I always want to bake a super nutty cake with a chocolate glaze or ganache, finally i did it when i got chocolate and cream as this month's secret ingredients for Shhhh Cooking Secretly Challenge started by me few months back.Every month i'll make a pair with the members, then later we secretly discuss with our pair to exchange two secret ingredients among us, finally we cook with those secret ingredients,finally we will post on next month between 16-18th during every month. My pair for this month is Viji, a darling sister who blogs at Virunthu Unna Vanga,she gave me two of my favourite ingredients. She knows me very well, since am a chocoholic person i was super happy to get chocolate and cream as my secret ingredients for this month. Immediately my mind went for a dessert, but i changed my mind and went for baking a cake.

Almond cake, Almond cake with chocolate ganache

Am baking only during weekend now as my weekdays are super busy, obviously i baked this cake last weekend and we had this cake for our evening snacks as few of our friends came home to have coffee with us. Grounded almonds gives a fabulous texture to this beautiful cake. This almond rich cake suits prefectly for any special occasion, just go with your choice of glaze to make this cake more beautiful.

Almond cake, Almond cake with chocolate ganache

3nos Eggs (large)
1+1/2cups Grounded Almond meal
1/2cup All purpose flour
3/4tsp Baking powder
1cup Sugar
1+1/2tsp Vanilla
3tbsp Milk
1/4tsp Salt
1/4cup Chocolate chips
110grms Butter (room temperature)

Preheat the oven to 350F, grease a bundt pan.

Beat the butter, sugar until the mixture turns soft and fluffy.

Add the eggs one by one and beat until the mixture turns smooth.

Meanwhile take the dry ingredients in a large bowl, add the dry ingredients to the egg-butter mixture.

Beat in medium speed for a minutes, this helps aerate and develop the cake's structure, scrap down the sides..

Fold in chocolate chips.

Pour the batter into prepared pan, smooth the surface with a spatula and bake for 35-40minutes until a woooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean..

Let the cake gets cool completely.

For Chocolate Ganache:
200grms Dark chocolate bar (chopped)
1/2cup Heavy cream
1tbsp Butter (unsalted)

Bring boil the heavy cream,add immediately the chopped dark chocolate pieces,,mix well and until you get a shiny thick chocolate sauce, remove it from the flame.

Whisk for a while,now add the butter and mix well,

Now drizzle the cake with the ganache and let it cool.

Almond cake with chocolate ganache

3 oeufs
1+1/2tasses Poudre d'amande
1/2tasse Farine de blé
3/4tsp Levure chimique
1tasse Sucre
1+1/2c à café de l'extrait de vanille
3c à soupe Lait
1/4c à café Sel
1/4tasse Pépites de chocolat
110grms beurre ( température ambiante )

Préchauffer le four à 350F , graisser un moule à savarin .

Battre le beurre et le sucre jusqu'à ce que le mélange devienne doux et moelleux .

Ajouter les œufs un par un et battre jusqu'à ce que le mélange se lisse.

En attendant de prendre les ingrédients secs dans un grand bol , ajouter les ingrédients secs au mélange oeuf - beurre.

Battre pendant quelques minutes afin d'aérer la structure du gâteau.
Incorporer les pépites de chocolat .

Verser la pâte dans le moule , lisser la surface du gâteau avec une spatule et cuire entre 35 et 40 minutes.

Laissez le gâteau refroidir complètement obtient .

Pour Ganache au chocolat :
200grms barre de chocolat noir ( hachés )
1 / 2cup crème lourd
1 cuillère à soupe de beurre ( non salé )

Apportez bouillir la crème , ajouter immédiatement les morceaux de chocolat noir haché ,,

Bien mélanger et jusqu'à ce que vous obtenez une sauce de chocolat épais brillant, retirez-le de la flamme .

Ajouter le beurre et bien mélanger ,

Maintenant arroser le gâteau avec la ganache et le laisser refroidir .


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