
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Baquorah/Omani Gramflour Fritters ~~ Omani Cuisine

Amazing landscapes, scenic beaches, inspiring deserts, picturesque fields and cascading waterfalls fallen makes Oman as a country that is truly beautiful. Obviously  its cuisine is definitely very flavourful and delicious.Well known  rice with chicken or beef, marinated with special spices, like ‘qabuli with lamb meat’ or lamb biryani, djaj foug el eish are famous Omani dishes.Succulent dishes includes chicken with homos and vegetables, makboos chicken muscat style, chicken qabuli al battena style and chicken arssiya are also known for their flavours and their unique tastes.An Omani table will never be complete without seafood to create a spread that is truly rich in taste and nutrition. Fresh fish, shrimp and the very finest bounties of the sea are prepared to delightful perfection. What makes Omani cuisine deliciously distinctive is the way it borrows Asian tastes and flavors and incorporates them into typical Omani dishes to make it appealing and appetizing to every palate.Yes you can see Indian touch in most of the Omani dishes. Their dishes are definitely healthy balance of vegetables, meat and rice, infused with the mouth-watering aromas, delicious tastes and appealing presentation make it a cuisine that is unmatched in flavor and nutrition. Truly, the people of Oman and their guests are favored with food.

Baquorah, Omani Gramflour fritters

When its comes to World cuisine with alphabets, few alphabets are really challenging as we dont have many Country option to cook. One among the challenging Alphabet is 'O',for O we dont have that much choice, apart from Oman. Obviously i picked Omani cuisine for this long month's blogging marathon with world cuisine as theme. I was surprised to see that Omani cuisine have Indian touch in most of their dishes and this Baquorah is one among dish which ressembles quite like our Indian pakodas.These baquorahs are served as appetizier as well as snacks with a cup of their favourite Omani Tea. Gramflour with few vegetables are needed for making this crispy and very spongy pakodas. Actually egg is used in this fritters which i skipped it. Dunno whether the addition of egg would have made any changes in the texture of this pakodas, may be i'll try later as we loved this fried beauties very much.I picked this Omani gramflour fritters from here.

Baquorah, Omani Gramflour fritters, Omani fritters

1cup Gram flour/Chickpeas flour/Besan
3/4cup Water
1/2tbsp Baking powder
1/4tsp Baking soda
1cup Chopped onions
1/4cup Grated carrots
1no Tomato (chopped finely)
2nos Green chillies (chopped)
2pinch Black pepper powder
1/2tsp Cumin powder

Take the flour,baking powder, baking soda, salt, onions,carrots, tomatoes, green chillies, black pepper powder, cumin powder in a bowl,mix all of the ingredients together and let sit for 30 minutes.

Heat oil for shallow frying.

Drop by tablespoons of this batter to form small balls or small patties in the oil.

Turn once and cook on both sides until they turns golden brown.

Cook this fritters in medium flame else they will brown on the outside before the fritters gets well cooked inside.

Drain on kitchen paper.

Serve warm.


  1. Mouthwatering fritters and you have made them eggless too.

  2. So similar to pakoras! Yours came out perfectly golden brown.

  3. Fritters came out good. Nice teatime snack. Yum!

  4. I was smiling to myself while reading this post...imagine what a fancy name to our simple crunchy munchy pakoras. I love all ingredients in it and would love to grab some.

  5. These are so inviting wish to have it with a cup of coffee :) So many things in world that exists I feel are so much indianized just like these fritters are so much of our indian pakoras but with different name and style

  6. wow so much like our bhajji will try soon!Love the around the world idea.

  7. Delicious and lovely looking fritters. Wonderfully clicked pics.

  8. Looks so delicious! Tempting me too much!

  9. I am going to make this soon Priya..looks so sinful!

  10. I have tasted these fritters in Oman during the Eid period. They eat such items lot after break their fast. Yours came out very well Priya.

  11. Yes, Oman is a very calm and quiet place... dessert on one side, while greenery at the extreme end! These fritters look so much like our pakodas... yum....

  12. love the enthu with which u r showcasing international cuisine, yet this is one more nice and yummy recipe...

  13. these fritters look so look wonderful

  14. strange name...of our common pakora...:)

  15. Just like our pakoras , looks so sinful !

  16. wow! I've never tried anything like this!

  17. Yummy pakoras. Though I am in oman for more than 10 yrs, I have not tried this. Will try it soon.

  18. Those are very interesting besan pakoras. Adding tomato to the batter sounds different.

  19. wow such an yummy and tempting pakoda :) looks fantastic , something like our Indian pakodas :) drooling here, wud love to grab some right away !!

  20. Our plain old pakodas and what a yummy name. This will taste yum in any name. Lovely choice Priya.

  21. what flavorful and delicious fritters

  22. Our pakodas pronounced in a hoarse arabic tone, becomes baquroah!! ;) super crispy n irresistible snack priya!

  23. With weather being cold here, I would love to have some fritters along with my coffee today..


  24. What a tempting snack! Love to have this with a cup of piping hot coffee..


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