
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Eggless Butterscotch Cookies

Cookies are kid's favourite, either with chocolate chunks or nuts. However if am making cookies,i'll try to add whole grains just to feed them easily without their knowledge.But this time, these cookies are almost like butter cookies, with simple ingredients these cookies are just simply like melt in mouth type of cookies. With butterscotch chips in it, these cookies are seriously very chewy and definitely a kid's friendly evening snacks.I have been searching for butterscotch chips here, but somehow i always missed the chance to get them here. But during my stay in India, i got a packet of butterscotch chips from a retail shop there, without any fail i came back home with it.This is the first time am using butterscotch chips in my baking and i found them very interesting.

Today is my third post for this week's blogging marathon and my theme for this week is Kid's delight - After school snacks. Obviously these chewy,buttery cookies are prefect after school snacks, my kids just enjoy munching these scrumptious cookies for their snacks with their cup of milk.Sending Bake Fest#29 event by Vardhini,hosted by me.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#38 . 

1+3/4cups All purpose flour
1cup Sugar
1cup Butter (room temperature)
1/4cup Butterscotch chips
A pinch salt

Beat the butter until they turns soft, add the sugar to the butter,beat until it turns pale.

Now add gradually the flour, butterscotch chips and turns a dough.

Preheat the oven to 350F, arrange a baking sheet over a baking tray.

Make a small balls from the dough, flat them in ur palms and arrange over the baking sheet with enough space in between each cookies.

Bake in middle rack for 10-15minutes or until the top turns firm.

Keep aside and let them cool completely

Enjoy with a cup of milk.


  1. Cookies look super yumm.. Nice clicks.

  2. Delicious and lovely looking cookies. That too eggless. Wonderfully prepared.

  3. Lovely cookies.. Tempted to grab all of them.

  4. Very appealing cookies, simple yet delicious and mouth watering ones

  5. Beautiful cookies!!! They look very tempting!!

  6. i can finish tis entire batch..yummm

  7. These cookies look so pretty.. Would love to grab some.. Yumm

  8. Delicious cookies, love the flavor..

  9. I didn't know you get butterscotch chips. The cookies look good !

  10. the cookies look crunchy akka... yum...

  11. yummy butterscotch cookies.super texture and love the tint of that too

  12. so tempting akka!! Looks like u have a mini bakery at home :)

  13. Tasty crunchy Butterscotch cookies. Yummy cookies made to perfection.

  14. perfect looking cookies! Love the butterscotch flavor :)

  15. Beautiful and yummy cookies...This is really cute dear:)

  16. lovely preparation. I too have some butterscotch chips in my pantry. will give this a try.

  17. crunchy cookies those topped butterscotch chips

  18. love cookies but never tried a recipe that is eggless..this is good...looks crisp and tempting

  19. Cute and yummy cookies.. Butterscotch chips... Havent heard of that... Sounds new to me...

  20. Just perfect cookies ..Finish the whole bunch in a day ...

  21. These look wonderful and love to have it stocked up at home! Eggless seems to be more tempting and you have presented really well!

  22. Yummy cookies. I have a bag of butterscotch chips, now I know what to make with them.

  23. tempting cookies..butter scotch is one of my favourite flavours..
    love to try it defenitely!

  24. What a beautiful color they have on them. Excellent.

  25. That picture is so tempting, butterscotch is a favorite flavor!

  26. Simple yet appealing, I bet they were a hit.

  27. My fav flavor.... Sounds delectable...

  28. Ces cookies doivent être délicieux.
    Je t'en pique 2 avant de repartir.
    A bientôt

  29. Such sinful looking cookies priya..

  30. Very easy to prepare cookies.... lovely

  31. They look so appetizing, Priya.


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