
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tri Colour Bellpepper & Almond Chutney

If i make idlies or dosas for our dinner,my better half need atleast two side dish to enjoy his dinner, obviously i'll try to make variety of chutneys. Sometimes i'll break my head and everytime i'll mix and match the ingredients according to my fridge eventhough my pantry will have always idly podi. One of my recent trial is this delicious chutney with a combination of three bellpeppers along with almonds.

This chutney will get ready in a jiffy, just saute the roughly chopped bellpeppers with few spices and almonds,grind it and your chutney is ready to enjoy with some soft idlies or crispy dosas.Today am starting my third week of blogging marathon with a fantastic theme, my theme for this week is cooking with capsicum as the main ingredient.Obviously my next two day posts for this week's blogging marathon is going to be delicious dishes with capsicum. We enjoyed thoroughly this chutney with these crispy Soyabean Dosa.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#34.Sending to my own event Healthy Diet-Vegetarian Side dish guest hosted by Nandoos..

2cups Tri-colour bellpeppers (green,red and yellow)
1no Onion(chopped)
1/4cup Almonds
1no Tamarind piece (blueberry size)
4nos Dry red chillies
1/2tsp Mustard seeds
1/2tsp Urad dal
Few Curry leaves

Heat few drops of oil and add the dry red chillies, fry until they turns brown.

Add the chopped onions, tamarind piece,chopped tri-colour bell pepper pieces and saute everything until the veggies getscooked,keep aside and let them cool.

Take the cooked vegetables in a mixie, almonds with enough salt and grind as thick bit coarse chutney.

Heat again few drops of oil, add the mustard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves and let them splutters, add this tempering to the chutney.

Serve with idlies or dosas.


  1. sounds like a perfect chutney....

  2. G'day Another GREAT recipe Priya, true!
    Never heard of this combination, but sounds yum too!
    Cheers! Joanne

  3. I never thought of using nuts to make chutneys

  4. that's a really healthy chutney... perfect with dosas...

  5. That's a delicious chutney Priya..very nice..

  6. That's indeed a versatile chutney..What a flavor that would have brought !

  7. Very interesting combination.. looks great!!

  8. Simple and yummy!! Love this chutney..

  9. dats definetly a different combo.. never tried almonds in chutneys.. :)

  10. Chutney looks awesome.almond gives a specific taste ?

  11. That is a nice combination, looks healthy and easy! Thank you

  12. love the creamy texture of this chutney..this one I will def. try 4 sure!

  13. I make this all the time but not with almonds I am sure that takes it to different level.

  14. yummy chutney n lovely presentation sis!!!

  15. Tri color pepper chutney looks like a perfect chutney for idly

  16. wow that is a new one!! sounds delicious!!

  17. I make this too Priya , with pottukadalai .. Almonds is an interesting addition

  18. I too make this chutney. Must be so creamy with almonds. Got to try it...

  19. wow..interesting combo dear! this sounds delicious and healthy chutney too,

  20. new n splendid variation to regular chutneys

  21. wow this looks awesome priya I have to try this one for sure so good yaar.

  22. Love the sue fo almonds to make this chutney.

  23. very very delicious and finger licking chutney :)

  24. Sounds very aromatic and delicious!

  25. Such a tasty chutney. Addition of almonds makes it extra healthy and unique. So interesting.
    Thanks for sharing.


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