
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mozzarella In Carrozza/Fried Mozzarella in a Carriage

Mozzarella is our favourite cheese, either in a salad or in a pizza seriously i love  to add this cheese very much. Obviously i always have a couple of mozzarella balls in my fridge, they are seriously handy and you can make any dish out of this fabulous cheese. For my today's post, am here with an interesting dish with mozzarella and bread slices. This dish may sound almost like bread toast, but this mozzarella dish goes for deep frying, apart from it anyone who loves mozzarella will definitely go mad after tasting this fried mozzarella in a carriage.

With simple ingredients, you can make a fantabulous evening snacks with mozzarella,bread slices and egg. You can also serve this fried mozzarella as an appetizier too, this recipe goes for egg if you dont want or dont like eggs, you can skip it and prepare this dish with a simple flour coating as you need to coat the mozzarella stuffed bread slices with egg coating.This post goes to this month's International Food Challenge ,a monthly event started by two wonderful food bloggers Sara and Shobana, coz am the host of this month's challenge.

Recipe Source: Rustic Cooking
8slices White bread(crusts removed)
1pound Fresh Mozzarella(thinly sliced)
1/2cup Unbleached all-purpose flour
2nos Large eggs (beaten)
1/4tsp Salt
4 cups Extra-virgin olive oil or any cooking oil

Place 4 slices of bread on the counter. Top with the Mozzarella, being careful not to allow the Mozzarella to protrude beyond the edges of the bread (trim as needed).

Cover with the 4 remaining slices of bread, making 4 sandwiches in all.

Spread the flour on a plate. Dip the four edges of each "sandwich" in the flour.

Pour 1/2 cup of water into a bowl. Dip the four edges of each sandwich in the water, being careful to moisten only the edges and not the inside of the sandwiches.

The purpose of dipping the flour-dipped sandwiches in the water is to form a sort of glue that will prevent the Mozzarella to leak out once it is melted in the hot oil.

Arrange the four sandwiches on a platter in a single layer.

In a small bowl, beat the eggs with the salt. Pour over the sandwiches and set aside for 10 minutes.

Delicately flip the sandwiches over and set aside for another 10 minutes. The purpose is to allow the bread to soak in the egg as much as possible.

Heat the oil..drop gently the egg coated sandwiches and fry on both side until they turns golden brown.

Remove with a slotted spoon to a platter lined with paper towels.

Cut each of the sandwiches in half and serve hot.


  1. A very different and innovative sandwich ! Kids would love this!

  2. Lovely mozarella stuffing .Def my little girl will love it.

  3. Wow my mouth is just watering looking at it book marking it yummmm

  4. Wow what a tempting recipe... Drooling here....

  5. Delicious and mouthwatering to look at Mozarella preparation. Looks simply wonderful.

  6. The font is dam good. loved this bread version ,,, cheeseeeeeeeeee

  7. wow!!! so sinfully delicious!!! the photo is absolutely beautiful!!!

  8. ufff so tempting picture Priya. lovely dish.

  9. Wow sandwich look so yummmm..... nice click!!

  10. that picture is really tempting me... i'm having some mozarella cheese in my fridge which i was thinking of using for pizza but now i'm really wanting to try this...

  11. G'day! looks YUM Priya, true!
    Wish I could go for some of this right now too!
    Cheers! Joanne
    Viewed as part of IFC

  12. Looks soo yummy, delicious and tempting Priya :-)

  13. That stringy mozzarella looks so fab and I can imagine how delicious and gratifying it must have been!

  14. Total droolworthy recipe akka. Yummy and mouthwatery.

  15. Thats really so tempting Priya...we also keep mozzarella balls handy in case I run short of ideas..These looks very appetizing..great recipe, will try it someday..hugs and smiles

  16. the melting cheese makes me drool!! lovely

  17. tempting n delicious fried mozzarella...

  18. I just cant take my eyes off the click!!!

  19. Wow, Priya, I haven't made the Mozzarella in Carozza for several years, and back than: it called for freezing the mozzarella, which was the pasteurized kind!

    Thanks for sharing the healthy and updated version of this 'old' favorite!

  20. wow!! Tempting Sandwich... n Awesome Click!!!

  21. would love to have this cheesy sandwich anytime.....

  22. Looks so lovely... just want to reach out for one them

  23. Thats a nice idea akka. Kids will definitely love it

  24. kids should devour this one even i can :) love the cheesy click!

  25. looks delicious and mouthwatering

  26. Very lovely! Made it so well! Love the clicks :)

  27. Sandwich looks really chewy and who will say no to Moz cheese... Very innovative recipe with bread and quick to prepare too :)

  28. I too love mozzarella cheese n m gonna try this dish soon n let u know... :)


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