
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Instant Wheat Dosa

Instant dosas or idlies are really handy and definitely saves us when we run out of the Idly batter. For this week's blogging marathon i chosed instant dosas or idlies as theme and the next two days are going to be healthy, quick and instant versions of dosas and idlies. Coming to today's recipe, its definitely a quick and very healthy dosas we prepare quite often simply with wheat flour and rice flour. This dosa makes a super filling dinner or breakfast if you serves them with a simple chutney or sambhar. Personally wheat dosas are my favourite, since am yet to post this instant dosas in my space, i prepared them few days back for my lunch and enjoyed with some tomato sambhar.

My H and kids dont like these kind instant dosas or idlies that much,but who cares i'll make them specially for me.Earlier i insisted them to take these healthy foods, but it never worked with them. Obviously if i want to feed them with wheat flour in dosas, i'll add some flour in the sour dosa batter and makes wheat uthappams with loads of onions.This way they will eat without any fuss. However when i chosed this theme for this week, i know am gonna have feast with my favourite instant idlies and dosas. Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#34.

1cup Wheat flour
1/4cup Rice flour
1cup Whisked curd or water

Take the wheat flour,rice flour and curd in a bowl.

Whisk them well, add the salt and keep aside for 5 minutes.

Heat a non stick pan, grease the pan with oil using a paper towel.

Now pour a spoonful of batter and turn the pan in clockwise to make thin circle..

Drizzle few drops of oil around and flip the other side and cook well.

Serve this healthy dosas with any sort of spicy chutneys or sambhar..

If you want to add spices like cumin seeds and black peppercorns,you can add them while making the batter.

Some may add onion and green chillies, if you want you can add them too.


  1. Super quick dosa Priya! Looks good. Will try it sometime this week!

  2. These dosas are my all time favourite .I dont add curd,rice flour .With tomato chutney i can have the whole lot of them

  3. cool love an easier way to make dosa must try

  4. who can say no to this tasty and healthy dosa?

  5. Very healthy dosa and i always love the quick versions.

  6. I love all instant breakfasts and I too make for myself if others don't want to have..your wheat dosa looks yum!

  7. that's an interesting dosa, akka... thanks u for sharing...

  8. I make this often.. i dont add curd.. wl give a try sometime.. :)

  9. addition of curd is new ,,, love the instant versions....

  10. Instant wheat dosa looks soft and yummy ! Superb!!

  11. Lovely dosas...we make these but with just wheat flour...the addition of rice flour must be making it crisp n crunchy...

  12. Nice and healthy dosa,love to have it with some spicy chutney...

  13. adding curd and rice flour is something new :) a very soft and delicious dosa :)

  14. That is such a quick dosa to make on a busy night! Yummy :)

  15. Superb click priya. Love those thin n lacey dosa's! !!

  16. Love how crispy and thin these dosas came out. yummy!!


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