
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Few of My Guest Posts

Writing a guest post to a fellow blogger, is definitely a proud moment for a blogger like me. I never said no if any of my co bloggers asks me to write a guest post. I did quite often, and most of the time i forget to write a special post regarding my guest post in my space. Sorry dears, actually let me say all coz of the lack of time or my laziness. Never mind let me catch up with those guest posts i have done specially for few bloggers before few days or may be a month back.

Eggless Coconut Custard Buns (Tangzhong Method):

First i want to write about the guest post i did for Avika's A day through my life, sorry Avika am super late in writing about the guest post. Avika Nair asked me to write a guest post just to keep her blog alive during her trip to India and she kindly asked me to bake something for her. How can i say no to a darling sister, that too she asked me to bake. Obviously i said immediately Yes and baked a Eggless coconut custard buns specially for her. She have posted this buns at her space on 30th september,see how late am writing about this guest post.But trust me, its not too late to visit and enjoy this eggless custard buns with tangzhong method.Do check Avika's space for this guest post..

Avika write about many traditional dishes at her space, especially Kerala dishes. Whenever i go through her space, she never failed to tempt me with her beautiful clicks. I have bookmarked few of her dishes, dunno when am gonna make them,God only knows. Avika,keep on going sis.

Paneer Bhurji Swirl Rolls:

Second comes this beautiful swirl rolls i prepared for Shazzy's Seasoned With Shazzy few days back. Shazzy pinged me few days back asking me to write a guest post for her, i immediately said yes and prepared her these swirl rolls with the famous paneer bhurji.

I crossed Shazzy's blog through Home baker's challenge and started visiting her space. She shares different and delicious dishes in her space and you will definitely drool on seeing her posts.Check out my Paneer swirl rolls at Shazzy Space here.

Dates & Chocolate Brownies:

Coming to this Dates & chocolate brownies, this post is somehow special coz i prepared specially to a good friend of mine. Yes Menaga of Sashiga is a wonderful friend, who never fails to call me through fone whenever she feel like talking with me. We are from same city and living in same country, how fantastic na. Not only she is my friend, she is more than that. She was very supportive when i crossed a difficult moment in my life, i never forget those days how wonderfully she consoled me. She call me without any fail to wish for me on every special days of my life. I know she will be there for me whenever i want her. We speaks for hours and we are not only friends, i can say that we are more than that.

Menaga writes her blog in my mother tongue Tamil. She shares many traditional,nutritious and very healthy dishes in her space. Not only Indian dishes, but she also share many International dishes there. Am a great fan of her healthy dishes, everytime i go to her space she never failed to surprise me with her own way of cooking with different ingredients. Keep on rocking Menaga, i love ur space very much and obviously i dont need to say how i treasure our friendship.

Check Menaga's space to know how i baked this ultimate Brownies..

Hope you all enjoyed my guest posts i have prepared and written specially for them with stepwise pictures in their space.

Please do go through and leave your encouraging words.


  1. Oh my god..3 recipes..dat too guest posts vth write ups...awesome...very tempting recipes n nw jumping to those blogs..:)

  2. all are fantastic guest posts akka... with lovely dishes... good job...

  3. Thx u very much priya akka for ur guest post at my space & for ur kind words..

    Hope we will meet soon.I loved ur all recipes, freindship & more than u r my sister..

    Loved ur custard buns & swirl rolls Guest post recipes..

  4. Wo ! Wo r killing me with those scrumptious dishes....hats off to you !

  5. Wow Akka!! 3 wonderful guest posts.. Loved all the three recipes. :)

  6. O wow.. paneer bhurji rolls look quite attractive... awesome guest posts :)

  7. wow baking queen these are wonderful guest post :)

  8. Awesome guest post....all those three dishes are very tempting...

  9. Wow three in one that is super cool Priya.Love all three dishes.

  10. Hi Priya! Love the swirl rolls but can’t see the recipe as the link does not display it.


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