
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Red Rice Flakes Laddoos / Sivappu Arusi Aval Urundai

Tomorrow is Krishna Jayanthi, hope all are getting ready for the celebration. Even am making few simple sweets and savouries for this festival.If you dont have any time or busy with other stuffs but still you want to make sweets for the celebration you can make this easy,quick,delicious and healthy laddoos with red rice flakes. This sweet takes hardly less than 10 minutes to get ready, actually you can make them with white rice flakes, since am an healthnut i used organic red rice flakes which my mom got me from India before few months back.

Also i prepared this laddoos completely with ghee and they were just mindblowing, if you dont like or dont want to use ghee you can use milk to make this balls. Seriously i love this kind of easy breezy sweets for celebrations and if you conserve them well in an air tightened box, they can stay prefect for more than three days.

2 +1/2 cups Red rice flakes, sivappu arusi aval,poha
1cup Sugar
3nos Cardamom pieces
1/2cup Ghee
10 nos Cashew pieces

Dry roast thick red rice poha for a while.

Grind finely the sugar with cardamom,keep aside.

Now grind finely the roasted poha,add everything in a bowl  and mix everything well.

Heat the ghee in a pan add the cashew pieces, fry them until they turns brown and add it to the poha mixture.

Add little by little the hot ghee to the poha-sugar mixture, roll them as balls.

Store them in air tightened box.


  1. wow this kirshna jayathi special ladoo's looks so so yummy and healthy one :) very interesting recipe aks :)

  2. Lovely laddu sis! We make something similar with jaggery. having little ones at home, I am always looking for simple recipes like these.

  3. my grandmother used o make payasam with these red rice flakes. your laddu is such a great recipe but now a days its so difficult to get these in the market.

  4. Very healthier version of the yummy laddoos...

  5. Wholesome and delicious looking ladoos. Pics are great.

  6. delicious and healthy ladoos...perfect for the celebration

  7. Those red rice snacks look so tempting, Priya.

  8. Looks and sounds delicious:)

  9. Delicious healthy ladoo,nice one.

  10. Healthy and yummy laddu.. I am a big fan of your interesting innovative recipes.. You always add a twist to regular ones ..

  11. Looks really awesome.. nice entry..

  12. So yummy ladoos. Healthier version and looks super perfect.

    today's post:

  13. very healthy sathu Urundai!! Love it perfect shape priya!!

  14. I'm new to red rice flakes and reckon your small treats look delicious!

  15. Wishing you and your family a very happy Krishna Jayanthi Akka...
    Super healthy and perfect ladoos for lord krishna...

  16. My mom makes puttu with red rice. Ladoos look inviting Priya.

    Event: Chaat & Chutneys + GIVEAWAY

  17. The ladoo looks fab.. U r a Master Chef

  18. Ohh.. so light n healthy ladoos made out of poha.. too good

  19. Laddoos are calling me to come and eat aks ;) so cute they look

  20. delicious and healthy laddos, loved the pic.

  21. lots of fibre and vitamins. Great recipe dear

  22. Happy Sri Krishna Jayanthi Priya, Aval laddoo with pure ghee, Krishna will be pleased :-)

  23. Happy Sri Krishna Jayanthi Priya!, Aval Laddoo with pure ghee, delicious!

  24. Perfect looking healthy ladoos.. Looks tempting as always :)


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