
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pineapple N Microwave Chocolate Sauce Skewers

Pineapple is one of the fruits which tastes delicious to eat. A good, juicy ripe pineapple can satisfy a sweet craving tooth.. In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health benefits of pineapple.he obvious benefits of pineapple are all the vitamins and minerals the fruit is loaded with. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. In addition it is low in fat and cholesterol.The benefits of pineapple can be achieved through eating fresh, canned, or frozen pineapple or by drinking as juice.

One of the benefits of pineapple is that it helps to build healthy bones. Pineapples are rich in manganese, an important mineral which is needed for your body to build bones and connective tissues. Just one cup of pineapple provides 73% of the daily recommended amount of manganese. The benefits of pineapple can effect the growth of bones in young people and the strengthening of bones in older people. Pineapple is Good for Colds and Coughs...While many people often take extra vitamin C or drink extra orange juice when they have a cold, few consider eating pineapple. The benefits of pineapple when you have a cold or cough are the same as the benefits of orange juice, but there is an additional benefit of pineapple. Bromelain, which is found in pineapples, has been found to help suppress coughs and loosen mucus.I have combined both pineapple chunks and a delicious chocolate sauce prepared with low fat cream and dark chocolate chips prepared in microwave,which tastes marvellous as desserts or simply as a evening snacks..its such a best and neat way to enjoy this sweet fruits chunks with chocolate sauce if ur kids doesnt like this healthy fruit...

1cup Pineapple chunks
1/4cup Dark chocolate chips
2tbsp Low fat cream
1tbsp Sugar
4 nos Bamboo Skewers

Take the dark chocolate chips, low fat cream and sugar in a microwave bowl and cook for 3 minutes in high, take the bowl and stir well, chocolate sauce is ready..Place the pineapple chunks on the skewers, pour gently the already prepared chocolate sauce over the pineapple chunks and immediately or else serve chilled..

Kids will definitely enjoy this delicious skewers!


  1. That would be the simplest and yummy dessert!

  2. So delicious... very tempting and perfect for the event ...

  3. Looks delicious and very simple to make.

  4. You changed your template? The new fall theme is so pretty. Yes, well said about pineapple. Like your dessert very much..shd try this soon.

  5. This is nice combination Priya...easy to prepare too...great idea :)

  6. wow...pineapple with chcocolate sauce. Looks delish!!

  7. I love pineapple. It's so versatile, as it can be used in sweet or savory dishes. I like your idea of coating them in chocolate. They look fun to eat!

  8. Kalakureenga Priya......naan eppo udanay unga veetuku vara poorayen ....

  9. Awesome dessert! I love both pineapple and chocolate!

  10. Such a yumm idea, me too will love this skewers...your new template is nice........

  11. Loved the idea of eating fruits this way...looks delicious priya

  12. Wow.. am drooling over the choco delight dear.. superb..!!

  13. yummmmmmmm delicious!!!

  14. hey new layout..i love the header and color and everything..

    Gr8 simple dessert too

  15. lovely dessert dear...not a fan of pineapple but that chocolate sauce is tempting me to taste it..

  16. I dont like pipeapple or chocolate, but this one.. its yummy :) -Naina

  17. ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh pine apple with chocolate yummmy so tempting.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog Priya.. The chocolate look like liitle penguins..Too Cute..

  19. Wow looks awesome Priya. Simple and yummy one.

  20. I am sangeetha i am regular reader of your blog.pinceapple chocolate sauce skewers are a delight to the eyes. its really wonderful and looks delicious...Shd try this:-) Great idea!
    I recently started my own blog
    Take a look at

  21. Such an easy dessert priya.. you are so innovative.. never thought of chocolate and pineapple combination.. Thanks for sending it to my event

  22. wow..that looks delicious..very innovative..

  23. wow..that looks delicious..very innovative..

  24. Nice post.. here the health benefits of pineapples

  25. Why just kids!1Looking at the pic ,I feel like grabbing a bite too!!!Looks delish!

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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