
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Announcing Think Spice-Think Coriander Seeds

First i must really say thanks to Sunita for giving me the chance of hosting this famour Think Spice event...Sunita an awesome person who makes us hungry whenever we go through her blog with her beautiful clicks..When i mailed her for guest hosting, she immediately accepted my request, so i choosed the flavourful coriander seeds for this month of October..

Coriander is considered both an herb and a spice since both its leaves and its seeds are used as a seasoning condiment.The fruit of the coriander plant contains two seeds which, when dried, are the parts that are used as the dried spice. When ripe, the seeds are yellowish-brown in color with longitudinal ridges. They have a fragrant flavor that is reminiscent of both citrus peel and sage. Coriander seeds are available in whole or ground powder form.

The name coriander is derived from the Greek word koris, which means bug. It may have earned this name because of the "buggy" offensive smell that it has when unripe. The Latin name for coriander is Coriandrum sativum.

The use of coriander can be traced back to 5,000 BC, making it one of the world's oldest spices. It is native to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and has been known in Asian countries for thousands of years. Coriander was cultivated in ancient Egypt and given mention in the Old Testament. It was used as a spice in both Greek and Roman cultures, the latter using it to preserve meats and flavor breads.

Whenever possible, buy whole coriander seeds instead of coriander powder since the latter loses its flavor more quickly, and coriander seeds can be easily ground with a mortar and pestle.Coriander seeds and coriander powder should be kept in an opaque, tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. Ground coriander will keep for about four to six months, while the whole seeds will stay fresh for about one year.

Coriander seeds contain an unusual array of phytonutrients. They are a very good source of dietary fiber and a good source of iron, magnesium and manganese.Coriander seeds have a health-supporting reputation that is high on the list of the healing spices. In parts of Europe, coriander has traditionally been referred to as an anti-diabetic plant. In many parts of India, it has traditionally been used for its anti-inflammatory properties. In United States, coriander has recently been studied for its cholesterol-lowering effects

1)Post any dish featuring Coriander seeds as the main spice. Coriander seeds can be used in any form (finely powdered, freshly ground or whole)..Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian posts are welcome.

2)Post as many recipes of Coriander Seeds as you like on your blog..

3)Link back to this announcement - and to Sunita's blog - is a must.

4)Using the logo to the event is also appreciated.

5)Old posts are also accepted if linked back to this announcement post and to Sunita's blog -

6)E-mail me at with SUBJECT as Think Spice-Think Coriander Seeds along with the following details..
Your Name:
Your Blog Name:
Name of the Dish:
Link/URL of the Post:
Attach a Picture of the Dish. Size 300 x 300 .

7)Deadline for all the entries will be the 31st October 2009.

8)You don't have a blog, you want to take part in this event, it’s not a problem. You can send me your recipe along with the picture of the dish to with SUBJECT as "Think Spice - Think Coriander Seeds"..


  1. i think i know the perfect entry for this..will have to get the recipe from my friend and make it :)

  2. My favorite Priya, and happy to see you hosting.

  3. Happy to see u hosting events!!!I will try to participate :)

  4. sounds gud to me. am in!

  5. Good spice choice, btw i sent my entry for kongu did u got it?

  6. Very nice choice for Think Spice. Will try to send something. Happy Hosting.

  7. Happy hosting Priya! I will try to send best entries:)

  8. hey happy hosting again priya..will surely send my entry

  9. I think I have an authentic Sindhi recipe and hope that I will be able to send it in on time.

  10. Thats a lovely idea for the event..will surely send in many entries priya....

  11. Priya tell me how u manage ur time,badly needed advice from u.You post recipes everyday,u visit other blogs without fail and u host events as well,from where u take out time yaar and all this with kids at home.

  12. Nice theme
    This is inevitable in Indian cooking
    Will send my entry

  13. will send mine soon. Happy hosting!

  14. nice theme.happy hosting . Will try to send my entries too.

  15. surely i ll participate because i love dishes made from corriander....

  16. Happy hosting dear. Will try to send in for the event.

  17. New to blogging!Great theme. Will try to send my entry.

  18. One of my fav spices. So simple yet so versatile. Will send my entry soon.

  19. Did you receive my entry? Kindly acknowledge.

  20. Wow this is awesome.. Buddy, can coriander leaves be part of this event or just coriander seeds??????

  21. Priya, I have sent you my entry :) Thanks for hosting

  22. Priya,
    I have sent my 3 entries. Let me know if you received it.

    - Cool Lassi(e)


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