
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf Cake - S&SB Challenge

Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf Cake, this month Sweet and Simple Bakes challenge goes to this spongy loaf cake... its such a delicious, spongy and moist loaf cake and both chocolate and orange combination together makes this loaf cake awesome and this moisty orange loaf cake tastes marvellous...I love any sort of citrus flavour sponge cake,but none at home love these sort of citrus flavour cake, but this cake was completely different and everyone at home loved this spongy and moist cake..while this sponge cake has orange zest running through the cake which is soaked after baking in a orange syrup prepared with fresh orange juice and sugar, which makes a moist crumb and finally a chocolate topping to finish this delicious cake..I never baked this sort of moist cake and this cake tastes really fantastic which is definitely a keeper for me and am gonna try this cake with different flavour and different fruits..Coming to this orange flavour moist loaf cake, this yummy orange loaf cake goes to Rosie & Maria's Sweet and Simple Bakes Challenge....

For the Cake:
175g (6 oz) softened butter
175g (6 oz) caster (super fine) sugar
3 large eggs, at room temperature
Finely grated zest of 2 oranges
175g (6 oz) self-raising flour, sifted
2 tbsp milk

For the orange syrup:
Juice of 1 orange
100g (4 oz) granulated sugar

For the topping:
50g (2 oz) dark chocolate or milk chocolate – your choice
Sprinkles of choice (optional)

You will need a 900g (2 lb) loaf tin – greased with a little butter and lined with greaseproof paper or non-stick baking paper.

Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.

For the cake:
In a mixing bowl, add the butter and sugar and beat together until light and fluffy in appearance. Add the eggs, one at a time, and beat well until fully incorporated. Add the orange zest, flour and milk and fold in gently with a spatula or large metal spoon. Turn into the prepared tin, smooth the top of the mixture and bake in the oven on middle shelf 35 -45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin. When cool make little holes in the cake with a skewer, (this is important for pouring the syrup onto the cake to ensure the syrup soaks in fully.)

For the Orange syrup:
Put the orange juice and granulated sugar into a pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and boil for a couple of minutes. Pour over the top of the cake. When all the juice has soaked in, carefully remove the cake from the tin.

For the chocolate topping:
Melt the chocolate by placing a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water. Once the chocolate has melted, pour over the top of the cake. Either smooth the top over with a spatula or make a little pattern with the prongs of a fork. Add sprinkles if desired, leave chocolate to set before cutting into the cake.



  1. looks very yummy priya...thanks for sharing ...

  2. Oh i wish i could have made this cake!!! looks sooo good! m coming over to have a bite :)

  3. Hey priya,that orange part I love so so much..but yummy looking..moist.(not choco fan you know)

  4. Hey priya,that orange part I love so so much..but yummy looking..moist.(not choco fan you know)

  5. wasn't it fantastic? everyone loved it at home! :)

  6. Priya, your cake turned out perfect and I just adore those sprinkles you used :0)

    Thank you SO much for taking part in this month's S&SB and I do hope you will join us again in our next bake.

    Rosie x

  7. Girl,that sprinkles on top makes it more appealing..perfectly cuboid shape...:)

  8. hi dear,wow!looks soooo delicious!pls send me one piece...

  9. wowowoo! yummy ! Thanks for sharing soo moist cake :)

  10. Wowwwwwwww!!!!!!
    Looks soooo yummy dear... Lovely presentation...

  11. wow such a decadent cake with sprinkles on top...yumm :)

  12. Oh Priya, don't tempt me like this... :) super delicious chocolate orange cake! I love citrus flavour in cakes!

  13. Me too made choco orange loaf last week,liked the combo..Looks perfect and delish...Priya..

  14. hi priya,
    lovely combo, looks great! would love to have a slice :)

  15. very very delicious cake Priya!!!!

  16. They look just awesome Priya... the orange color and sprinkles on top... just too good which no one resist for a bite :)

  17. Wonderfully baked cake! Looks so moist...

  18. Looks yummy, very nicely baked.

  19. Oh what an awesome cake Priya! The moistening with orange syrup would have made it more delish!

  20. Ur cake looks even better that the one on the site....really moist n delicious.

  21. this one is tempting me lot priya I am going to try this will let you know. yummmmmmmmmmmyy.

  22. cant wait to bite into the loaf..yummy

  23. Your cake came out looking wonderful and delicious :)

    And agreed! Everyone who tasted this cake loved it here too. The beautiful moist texture and the flavours work so well together.

    I'm a bit jealous that everyone but me seems to have got a nice flat loaf when mine rose in the middle though, hehe.

  24. I really like how yours turned out, Priya. Your photos look really pretty. :)

  25. love the colorful sprinkles... the cake was indeed delicious..

  26. Hi! Very beautiful cake . I missed the orange zest in mine.

  27. Looks super. You did a great job.

  28. That looks gorgeous Priya. I loved how moist it was too - I'm always a bit worried cakes are going to turn out dry but this was gorgeous.

  29. gorgeous. Love the idea of adding a the syrup.Very new to me.The loaf is delicious and I love orange cakes.

  30. The cake looks attractive and delicious. i would say "a slice is not enough".

  31. Your cake looks good, and I know it tastes good!

  32. Looks delicious, nice idea for loaf cake. Has anyone ever had cake with zucchini and chocolate ?

  33. Priya, your cake turned out beautiful!!

    Thanks for taking part and hope you will join us again.



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