
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Oreo Chocolate Brownies

Last brownie of this week's blogging marathon goes for an extremely chocolatey oreo biscuits loaded brownies.You might have noticed that am running this week's blogging marathon with Let them eat Brownies as theme. After two different brownies, i couldnt stop myself to bake some oreo biscuit loaded brownies just to please my kid's sweet tooth. We are in summer vacation here, obviously kids are around, and my oven is in on mode since ever our summer vacation started. Brownies when loaded with chocolate and crushed oreo biscuits,who can resist to these beauties. Kids went crazy when they saw this brownies.

Fudgy Oreo Chocolate Brownies

Monday, July 10, 2017

Vegan Avocado Brownies

Avocado is also known as Butter fruit, do you know Avocados replace very well fat content like butter, oil or shortening in bakes or in breads. And avocado puree gives super moistness to anything they are added with. I have been planning to bake some brownies with avocados since a while and finally i got a chance to bake some delicious and dangerously addictive brownies recently. Brownies is a cross between a cake and a cookie. They may includes nuts,whipped cream,chocolate chips or many more ingredients, a variation made with brown sugar and without chocolates called blondies is also a kind of brownies.

Avocado Brownies, Eggless Avocado Brownies

Gluten Free One Bowl Almond Brownies

Gluten intolerance is definitely one of most vast cause for more diseases. Its estimated that 99% of people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never been diagnosed. Even many European countries have a law on the labelling for gluten free foods either with glute free labels or else very low gluten. Obviously Gluten free dishes have their important place even in blogging world coz of the gluten intolerance. Gluten is the protein found in whole grains like wheat, rye and barley. When a dish is cooked without these grains is considered as gluten free dishes. Most of the gluten free dishes calls for rice based dishes or else with vegetables,fruits and nuts.

One bowl Almond Brownies

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Eggless Potato Chocolate Mini Cake

If you are a follower of my space, you might have noticed that am running this week's blogging marathon with a super interesting theme . My theme for this week's blogging marathon is 'Secret Ingredient'. How interesting na. After making a fabulous Butternut squash chocolate loaf like cake and a soft tofu bread, i couldnt stop myself to bake an another fantastic cake with potatoes. Yes you heard it rite, my today's post calls for mashed potatoes and that is the Secret ingredient of today's baking treat. Mashed potatoes are good replacement of eggs in cakes,if am making eggless cakes i'll replace eggs usually with applesauce or else with yogurt. But trust me, mashed potatoes works wonder to bake some eggless baked treats.

Mini potato Chocolate cake

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Eggless Cheese Stuffed Tofu Bread

Do you know i get tofu easily than Paneer, i have to travel atleast 30 minutes to get a pack of paneer. But just by going a walk i can grab a packet of tofu as am living in Chinatown. Obviously i do cook more often with tofu than paneer. Its been a while i baked a bread with silken tofu, yes tofu replaces eggs very well in bread or in cakes. Silken tofu gives a wonderful texture and softness to bread. Either your bread is yeasted or simple flatbread, do try to add some tofu, trust me your bread will be super soft than you can imagine. Whenever i feel like having soft flatbreads, i dont forget to add pureed tofu to my flatbread dough. One of the best way to sneak tofu is definitely adding them this way in most of our dishes just to feed picky eaters at home.

Tofu Cheese Bread, Cheese Stuffed Tofu Bread

Monday, July 3, 2017

Butternut Squash Chocolate Cake

This week's blogging marathon theme is 'Secret Ingredient', this theme sounds interesting na. Trust me, even i was so thrilled to make three different beautiful dishes out of three different secret ingredients. My today's post, goes to Butternut Squash. Almost like pumpkin, butternut squash works awesome to make some delicious desserts or cakes with it. I have already dished out couple of dishes out of this incredible vegetable. From Indian to Fusion dishes, you can prepare many different dishes from this vegetable. Once cooked and pureed, you can use the butternut squash puree to make delightful desserts out of it.

Butternutsquash Chocolate cake, Chocolate cake with butternut squash